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Scattery Island

Teampall na Marbh

The first church you will see on the Island is Teampall na Marbh. This large church is almost 21 metres in length and 5.6 metres in wide. It is the only church on the island where people would bury their dead. The Islanders would never enter a graveyard except for funerals and month's mind- requiem mass celebrated about a month after someone's death. The west gable has no features, which is most unusual for this period. There is a large pointed window in the east gable and a pointed doorway in the north wall.

As you can see in the images, there were a large number of people in the graveyard during the Scattery Island festival. The island is very beautiful and a wonderful place to visit, even with the hundreds of visitors on the island that day I thoroughly enjoyed my visit.

Situated: On Scattery Island. Boats sail to the Island from Kilrush Marina during the summer period. Teampall na Marbh is the first church on your left as you approach the round Tower.

Discovery Map 63: Q 9741 5246. Last visit July 2014.

Longitude: 9° 30' 53" W

Latitude: 52° 36' 50" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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